Woodstock Internet Connectivity

As of 3:30 PM on Thursday, January 26, internet connectivity has been restored at the Woodstock location. Please contact the ITS Helpdesk at itshelp@aurora.edu or 630-844-5790 if you have any questions.

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GWC Internet Connectivity

The main internet connection at GWC is currently unavailable.  We are working with our vendor to restore connectivity and the backup internet connection is currently in place.

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Fake Email Alert

The message that was delivered this evening with the subject “Bitcoin Job Opportunity” is a scam message. Please contact itshelp@aurora.edu if you have responded to the message.

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Phishing Alert

The email that may have recently arrived in your mailbox this morning after 7am with the subject “STAFF & STUDENT EMPLOYMENT” and the first sentence talking about the Winnipeg school district is not a legitimate message. The message is being removed from your inbox but please delete the message if the message is still in your inbox.  If…

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