Phishing Alert

There was recently a message from an account asking to click on a link to provide password information.  This was not a legitimate request.  We are in the process of removing the fake message from inboxes now.  If you provided any information to the Google Docs form, please contact as soon as you…

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Phishing Alert

The email that may have recently arrived in your mailbox this morning with the subject “STAFF & STUDENT EMPLOYMENT” is not a legitimate message. The message is being removed from your inbox but please delete the message if the message is still in your inbox.  If you have responded to the email in the message, please contact ITShelp at…

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Phishing Alert

The email that may have recently arrived in your mailbox this morning after 7am with the subject “STAFF & STUDENT EMPLOYMENT” and the first sentence talking about the Winnipeg school district is not a legitimate message. The message is being removed from your inbox but please delete the message if the message is still in your inbox.  If…

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Phishing Alert

The message containing the subject “Finance Payment Application for Payment ref…” at around 9:10am today is not a valid message.  Please contact if you have responded to message.

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Phishing Alert

The message from 2:30 PM containing “Shared A Confidential Document With You” is not a valid message. Please contact if you provided information to the website that was linked in the message.

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