Systems and Security News and Notifications
Printing performance has slowed and ITS is currently working on a resolution with the vendor. For questions, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 630-844-5790.
Please be aware of recent text messages sent to your personal phone that appear to have been sent from Aurora University staff. These requests are scams and are not from official university staff.
The issues affecting Self-Service are resolved now. For questions, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 630-844-5790.
Self-Service may be unavailable when attempting to sign in or access time entry. For now, users may try refreshing the browser as a workaround. ITS is investigating the issue and will provide an update once more information is available.
The outage affecting 25Live is now resolved. For questions, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 630-844-5790.
25Live is currently unavailable due to an outage and the vendor is working to resolve the issue. For questions, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 630-844-5790.
A phishing email with the subject, “Mobile device beta testing plan” was recently sent. If you received the email, please report the email using the Outlook Report button.
A phishing email from was recently sent. If you received the email, please report the email using the Outlook Report button.
Phishing emails from and were recently sent. If you received an email from either sender, please report the emails via Outlook.
The issue that was preventing some students from connecting to the WiFi in academic buildings is now resolved. If you have questions, please call the ITS Helpdesk at 630-844-5790.